Turn $18 (N4000) To $5000 (N1,000,000) Plus Within a Short Period of Time!
Before you read further I want to ask you this: If your employer should terminate your appointment (nOT wishing you bad luck) with all the savings you have made can that sustain you/your family for the next 6 months without any income considering the state of economy and loads of BILLS? Of course NO Even if YES you need EXTRA INCOME.
Fourcorners is a new and dynamic online network business in the USA founded by Mr. David Harrison. As a network business Fourcorners offers people an incredible opportunity to educate themselves financially and also make money at the same time. Unlike other network businesses where you carry health or fuel products chasing people to buy before you can make money, in Fourcorners you don't go around selling products to anyone. Members make sales by downloading books to read.
What product is Fourcorners marketing?
Fourcorners just like any other network business has a product toMARKET. But as stated earlier Fourcorners is marketing financial education materials in an ebook or pdf format, not health or tea products. Just ebooks on financial subjects like investment, financial literacy, managing your debt, how to save, building generational wealth, etc. These books are very valuable and rich and educates the average person on wealth building . So these are the products you are going to have access to download by joining Fourcorners. You just download them onto your laptop, phone etc and read. This is far better and smarter than carrying health products around chasing people to buy.
Fourcorners just like any network business offers it's members a powerful compensation plan to make money by paying members handsome commissions from the sale of ebooks.
A sale in Fourcorners simply means;
1. You have registered someone,
2. Your downlines have registered someone or
3. Your downlines have moved to another level. It is as simple as that. So anytime any of these 3 things above happens, you receive a commission. There are seven powerful ways in which you earn money in Fourcorners but I will talk about the first two.
1. Instant commissions
2. 100% matching bonus
Instant commissions
This is the commission you receive whenever a sale (remember the 3 things) of the book is made in all your 6 levels. You will start at level 1 by just recruiting four people, Only 4 and they also bring 4 each and then they also repeat the process. So 4,16, 64, 256, 1024, 4096.
Level 1= $4x4 people, you make $16. $10 is auto deducted and you are upgraded to level 2.
Level 2= $4x16 people, you make $64.
$25 is deducted and you are upgraded to level 3.
Level 3= $10x64 people, you make $640.
$60 is deducted and you are upgraded to level 4.
Level 4= $24x256 people, you make $6,144.
$150 is deducted and you are upgraded to level 5.
Level 5= $60x1024 people, you make $61,440.
$300 is deducted and you are upgraded to level 6.
Level 6= $120x4096 people, you make $491,520
Total commission - $559,824 (Five hundred thousand dollars plus)
Total deduction -$550
NB: At each level you get a financial education ebook
So you see how powerful Fourcorners really is? $559,824 in instant commission alone. All you need to do is believe, join us and also register just 4 people.. only 4... Everyone knows 4 people so anyone can do this.
100% Matching Bonus/Commission.
Now this is the part that makes Fourcorners the best network business ever. You receive the same money the 4 people you brought also receive in the business. Did you get that? Whenever the 4 people you brought into Fourcorners make any money, you are paid same amount on them on all the levels. Other networkMARKETING companines pay you 5,10,15% but Fourcorners is giving you 100% bonus on your direct sponsored downlines. This is unbelievable but it is Real!
So when your 4 people make $16 in level 1, you make $16x 4,thus $64 in matching bonus...
when they make $64 in level 2, you make $64x4 also, thus $256...
Now when your 4 make $559,824 after level 6 you make $559,824 x 4= $2,239,296 in your pocket. This is incredible!.. no network business does this..only in you can see why people are joining Fourcorners the world over!
Why should you join Fourcorners?
1. Only $18 (N4,000) to join. One time payment. No money from your pocket again.
2. No moving of health products about and chasing people to buy. You just download ebooks to read.
3. You withdraw your money every Tuesday, not 2 weeks or a month.
How do I join Fourcorners?
You are registered through two means.
1. Visa/Mastercard. If you have a bank debit/credit or prepaid visa/master card (ATM), you can use it to register. The $18 will be deducted by Fourcorners from your bank account. Currently $18 goes for around 4,000 naira depending on the bank you are using.
2. Paying it Forward
If you have no visa card, we will register you through a Fourcorners` system called 'paying it forward'. You will pay 4,000 naira to us. Then we will use that method to register you.
What do I get after I register?
Immediately you are registered, you get the following.
1. Your own personal Fourcorners website and a link to register others and start building your team.
2. You get access to download your level 1 materials and subsequent levels` ebooks.
3. You will be added to our facebook group to meet with Global members/top leaders.
How will I withdraw my money?
Fourcorners has various ways for you to withdraw your funds. They include;
1. Your Visa/MasterCard card. You can withdraw your money to your own bank in Nigeria and withdraw cash from any ATM point.
2. Bank accounts.
Once you make $4,000 you can transfer the money straight into Nigerian bank account.
3. From Fourcorners straight to your mobile money account (firstmonie with Firstbank)
Will I get support when I join your team?
Yes, all the support you will need to succeed is given to you in Fourcorners.
1. You will be added to our WhatsApp group to meet all our members after you register. You can then ask questions for clarification and support.
2. You will be able to add the people you want to register (your prospects) to the group so the top leaders can prospect them for you. You just add them and we will talk to them for you. It's as simple as that.
I am sure you see how easy and profitable Fourcorners is. If you are serious about making some extra income for yourself, then I recommend you join us. Fourcorners is very powerful and can turn your financial life around. For Only $18, and with just 4 people, you will be on your way to financial freedom. This is an $18 (4,000 business decision). If you can't do this now then I don't know what else you can do. Come begin your journey to success with Fourcorners. Remember "the poor man is working hard but the rich work smart and build institutions"
Come work smart with Fourcorners. Just get back to me lets get started if you are ready to make money online. Abiodun Noibi, 08056206907, 08080477012. Click the image below to register
Be sure to check the two boxes on the sign up form
If you want to register and do not have an ATM card, Please send an email with your full name and email address (strictly gmail) to
NB: If I can do this business then anybody can. Your location is not a barrier you can do this business anywhere in the world... USA, UK, Canada, China, India, Ghana, Cameroon, Gambia, Zambia, South Africa etc.
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